Author Guidelines

For a successful publication of the article, the authors are encouraged to submit their paper in the format shown in the Author Resources Page. The paper is submitted directly to the journal editor along with a completed copyright form. If the paper is accepted, the final version is completed taking into consideration the reviewers comments and suggestions for improving the paper in form and contents. At this stage, the authors are expected to complete and attach the publication fee form to the message sent to the editor. The final paper version should be in MS word format (.DOC or .DOCX).

The Review Process

Authors should try to provide utmost lucidity of expression in order not to obscure the meaning of the work presented. The anonymous reviewers will handle the contents of papers under review as privileged information that is not to be disclosed to others before publication. The editor evaluates the recommendation and notifies the authors of the manuscript status.

The manuscript may be accepted for publication as is, with minor changes, after substantial revision with additional review, or rejected. The comments of the reviewers will be forwarded to the authors.  The authors will submit their revised manuscript after reading the comments of the editor and reviewers and responding to them by providing the necessary changes.

The final version should be submitted within two weeks from receiving the reviewers comments. Late manuscripts may be rejected. Copyrighted, published or accepted for publication material will not be considered for publication in the journal. All authors have equal opportunity for publication of their papers.
